The Senate Judiciary and Labor Committee of Hawaii have been assigned Senate bill 2581. This proposal aims to legalize recreational marijuana for adults 21 and older.

GreenWay Hawaii Recreational Cannabis Bill Cooking in Hawaii SenateSome inclusion of Senate Bill 2581 are as follows:

  • “possession, use, display, purchase, transfer or transport of marijuana, marijuana accessories, or marijuana paraphernalia for personal use” will be made legal and shall have total immunity from criminal prosecution.
  • “possession, growing, processing, or transporting of maximum of six plants, no more than three flowering” will be made legal.
  • “transfer or sale of one ounce or less of marijuana with or without remuneration” will be made legal.

The last year’s initiative to decriminalize marijuana, however being given unanimous approval by Hawaii’s Senate Health Committee, did not make it to the full senate before the end of the session.

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